Just over a year later since COVID stopped our lives and I was back out shooting my very first portrait photography session in Manchester.
It felt amazing to be back out on location photographing portraits and lifestyle shots of Kieran.
We headed to various parts of Manchester around the city centre and shot amongst various backdrops for this session. The colours were giving me summer vibes albeit it was freeeezing!
I felt a little rusty shooting after so long & I’m super grateful to have had Kieran as my first client back. He’s actually a high school friend of mine that I shot one of my very first sessions with when I first started out as a photographer!
Kieran was looking for new photos to use across socials for a branding project and with that brief in mind we shot the following photos.
Some favourite shots from the session are below.
For portrait photography bookings and / or enquiries – email me on info@pshikotra.com – I would love to hear from you!
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P x
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Twitter – @pshikotraphoto
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Facebook – Priti Shikotra Photography
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YouTube – Priti Shikotra Photography

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